A fantastic end to a very busy autumn term in year 4. Thank you once again for your continued support!
Our Narnia topic has been a great success, inspiring the children's writing and exciting their imaginations. Next term, we begin our new topic, The Romans! We are sure that the children will enjoy this just as much! Get ready for our big bang Roman workshop... an opportunity for more dressing up!
Below, Alex and Elliott tell us below what they have enjoyed this term!
We really enjoyed 2014 in year 4, especially when we got to scale up a toy car in maths and Narnia day! Also, we took part in a great science workshop in which we learned about sound, vibrations, and pitch! During that day, we got to make rice dance on a speaker. Not that long ago we also had the opportunity to create a new TV channel, using our knowledge of the 24-hour clock to generate an exciting schedule of children's TV programmes. Year 4 has been really fun this year!
Thank you very much for all of your lovely cards and kind gifts. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you at the start of the Spring term.
Best wishes,
Miss Clements, Mrs Renier, Mrs Williams and Mr Pollard.