We continue to be really busy in year 4.
Children are now nearly half way through their swimming lessons and we would like to thank all those parents who have been accompanying us week in and week out, fair weather or not!
Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents that the children do need a water proof coat on a Monday- I know they are going to get wet in the pool, but it is quite nice for them not to get any wetter than necessary on the walk home! Also, a snack is a good idea as it is a physical morning for them and many children who don't always bring a snack are quite hungry upon our return.
Along the same lines- it has become quite noticeable that a lot of children do not have full PE kit in school. They do need a pair of football socks and shin pads as they are doing football every week. There are a few children borrowing football boots- please can you check your child has boots and that they still fit. Many thanks for your cooperation here.
On the academic side of things, we have been looking at explanation texts in English linked to our topic of Coastal Features. Next week, the children are going to be writing their own explanation texts about how caves, stacks and arches are formed.
In art we have begun a study of pointillism- painting using lots of dots rather like the aboriginal art they looked at last term, but applying it to famous artists who used this technique.
In our computing lessons the children have begun to plan their own maths games. Over the next few weeks we hope to be able to develop these plans into games that they can actually play using Scratch or an alternative programming tool. We look forward to seeing how innovative they are with the final games.
We have reached the end of walk to school week and both classes have successfully 'walked' their way around Hertfordshire on their class posters. We have a few photos of the children on their walk to school with their beautifully decorated crocodiles- it would be great to have more so we can make a display in each classroom. Well done to those children who did remember to take and print out their photos.
Next week the tuck shop launches and children are able to bring up to a pound for their day. All money needs to be in a named purse or wallet please.
Have a good weekend.
The Year 4 Team