Thursday, 13 October 2016

P.E lessons at Crabtree
Dear Parents
Please can I remind you that your child has an indoor lesson of gym and an outdoor lesson on the field each week this term. The weather has got a lot colder and your child will need a P.E fleece to wear during the out door session. The school shop sell a reversible fleece which is not only warm but shower proof and a great price so can I encourage you to get one of these. Please can joggers be navy or black and ensure your child has P.E socks to wear as often their socks will get wet and so to wear their school socks is not ideal.
Children seem to be taking their kits/trainers/boots home which is fine but it must be brought back into school for their P.E lessons as there are too many children not having all the correct kit in school and then having to borrow kit. Finally I am still finding kit with no names in please can you ensure all kit is named.
We have had an excellent start to the year and I look forward to working with your children throughout the year.
Mrs Tizard

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Life's a beach!

A couple of weeks ago now but Year 4 had a fun packed day with their official 'big bang' start to this term's topic on the coast.
Image result for Seaside Painting PrintBoth classes have been busy making individual models of a beach hut and collage pictures inspired by this work.
Here are a couple of photos from the day. More of finished work to follow.

The children have been enjoying learning all about some quite difficult concepts associated with the geographical features of the coastline and we have been impressed by the children's ability to get to grips with some of the higher level vocabulary; depositional landform, erosion landform, stacks, arches, stumps, groynes and gabions to name but a few.
This week we will be looking at human geography and our relationship with a sandy and a shingle beach and how these have developed as a result of human intervention. Please bring in a picture or a postcard of a beach you have visited in the UK, if you would like to share. Can you show the rest of the class where the location of the beach is on a map of the UK?

In Maths both groups have completed a unit on place value and have moved on to looking at addition and subtraction with larger numbers and developing strategies for applying mental methods.

In English we had some great innovations on the story of 'The Jolly Witch' with a magic broomstick to a Jolly teacher with a magic marking pen!!
We have now begun writing an explanation texts on erosion. This week for homework the children have brought home their model text and some comprehension questions to answer. This should help give them a deeper understanding of the process of erosion and show us how well they can extract information.

Spelling homework this week was to learn a few more of the important common exception words. Please make sure you have spent some time focussing on these.

Enjoy your weekend

The Year 4 team