We have now finished our 'Take one Book' unit based on our text 'Stone Girl, Bone Girl'. We hope the children have enjoyed the unit. As teachers, it has given us a chance to see some of imaginative independent writing the children can produce. Also as part of the unit we have had a go at making our own fossilised objects. These are some pictures from Ash class. Birch classes' are still 'work in progress'!
In maths, we have continued our work on fractions with the addition and subtraction of fractions with same denominator. This included a rather tricky pyramid puzzle to solve.
In science the children have been investigating evaporation and condensation. Ask your child if they can explain this scientific vocabulary.
Next week, as our penultimate week before the Christmas break, we have planned to do some Christmas crafts with the children and in our PSHE lessons we will be exploring 'being different but being the same.' If your child could bring in any small craft bits to help them decorate an individual fish shape, it would be appreciated.
Also a note from Mrs Tizard:
We are outside once a week and the weather has definitely changed and become cold. Please can you ensure your child has suitably warm clothes for P.E including socks! (Quite a few girls wear trainers and no socks) Joggers, sweatshirt, gloves and a beany hat are advisable. Thank you it makes lessons so much easier if the children are warm to start with.
Amanda Tizard
Please continue to support your child with homework (separate email sent).
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 team.