Welcome back to all!
Can you believe that this is our last term as Year 4?
This week:
In English we have started our new unit – Greek Myths.
During this unit we will be coming familiar with the key features of myths. In
addition, we will further develop our fiction writing skills: including fronted
adverbials, topic sentences and character descriptions, whilst varying sentence
structures. Of course, we will continue to work on perfecting our proof-reading
and editing skills.
Mrs Meredith’s maths group will be developing their problem
solving and investigation skills.
Miss Eastlake’s group are continuing to improve their
understanding of different units of measurement: cm, m, km, g, kg, ml and l.
This will also involve converting between different measurement and developing
their understanding of the relationship between units.
Year 4 will continue to work on Brilliant Bubbles in Science.
Harpenden is our new topic and we have started by looking at
clues and evidence that can help us to interpret the history of our town. We
are all looking forward to investigation this topic further over the next few
In Computing, both classes have begun looking at using html tags. Have a go at home working through lessons 1-5.
How can you support at home?
Miss Eastlake’s Maths class would find any additional
practise using and reading weighing scales when cooking at home, very
helpful. Several children find
understanding the value of interval markers on scales a tricky concept to
If you have friend or relative who has lived in the local
area for their whole life, perhaps you can chat to them about their experiences
and how the town has changes. Even better, if an older local contact would like
to share their knowledge with the whole year group, please do get in contact
with the school.
Request for help:
On Monday 22nd May Year 4 will be walking to and
around Harpenden as part of our latest topic. During the afternoon we are
hoping to be able to meet the Mayor too. It would be extremely helpful if some
of our wonderful parents would volunteer to help us with this trip. Please
contact the office if you are able to help, thank you in advance. (DBS will be required)
Sorry, no photos today.
Thanks as ever for your support
The Year 4 Team