Friday, 23 June 2017

Assessments over for another year!!!

Well it’s Year 4 here again….

It’s always an indicator of how close to the end of the year we are when we complete the end of year assessment week!

This week:

As I’m sure you are all aware we’ve been work really hard, concentrating on our assessments. Well done! to all the children, who have truly done their best to demonstrate their learning throughout the year.

Next week:

In English we will be starting a new unit – Discussions. During which we will be further developing our writing skills: including fronted adverbials and topic sentences, whilst varying sentence structures. Of course, we will continue to work on perfecting our proof-reading and editing skills.

Mrs Meredith’s maths group will be performing further investigations involving larger numbers, next week.

Miss Eastlake’s group will be revisiting fractions as this is an area in which the children require a more secure understanding.

Year 4 will be starting a new unit in Science, Habitats. This unit involves us understanding how to classify living things, examining invertebrates and vertebrates, then developing an greater appreciation of the impact that humans have on specific habitats. It will link well with our trip to Cuffley and the very end of the year.

In our Harpenden topic we are continuing with our investigation of our local area and have been recording the differing land uses that surround us, in a variety of methods.

How can you support at home?

In Miss Eastlake’s Maths class those who know that they are still working on improving their knowledge of times tables, should keep up regular practice of these. Remember they are your basic maths building blocks!
Take advantage of the sunshine, sit in the garden and enjoy reading your favourite book. That is certain what the Year 4 team will be doing with any spare time. 


This week, as everyone has worked so hard, the only homework is for Topic. The children have been asked to research a suitable person who could be commemorated by a blue plaque in Harpenden.


If you are one of the few people who have not yet to signed up for the Cuffley trip on Thursday 20th July, please get your child’s acceptance slip back to the office as soon as possible. Finally, if you know that your child is unable to attend the Cuffley trip, please make the office aware, thank you in advance.

Sorry, no photos today.

Thanks as ever for your support

The Year 4 Team


Thursday, 15 June 2017


What a fantastic show the children gave last night at the Harpenden Public Hall. The children behaved well and coped admirably with the heat while they were waiting under stage for their turn to perform. The rousing performance of 'Cumbanchero' was fabulous and we hope it has been a great experience for the children to be involved in such a production. A special mention to the Orchestra and Choir members who have attended regular practice sessions with Mr Bishop at the end or start of school. Their hard work really paid off and they were able to give such a confident performance.

Well done to all the children (and parents) who completed the Harpenden trail over half term holiday. We hope you found it informative. We have continued with our topic since half term and explored the effect of the railway coming to Harpenden and from a geography perspective have begun thinking about plotting land use in the town now using our digital mapping programme 'digimap'.

In Science, we have been experimenting with different conductors and insulators in simple electric circuits.  Part of our curriculum involves taking a part a plug and looking at how it is wired. It would be therefore helpful if the children can have some 'hands on' experience of this at home; perhaps taking a plug apart with adult supervision.

In Maths, both sets have been revising in preparation for our final assessment week next week. It would be beneficial that children make sure they get to bed early and are fully focused so they can 'show off' their best skills!

In English we have completed a short unit on a story from another culture. The children have written from the perspective of Gregory in 'Gregory Cool'. We plan to pick up this unit again towards the end of the term so if the children spot any stories from other cultures at home and would like to share them, that would be most welcome.

Next week, as we have said, is assessment week so there will be no separate spelling list but we are sending home red books to provide an opportunity to look over and recall all the spelling rules covered this year for a final spelling test next week. All assessment tests taken next week will be feedback in the end of year report.

Have a great weekend!
The Year 4 team