It has been another busy two weeks in Year 4 and the children have been working very hard! It was fantastic to celebrate International day of Languages and listen to the very talented children share their knowledge from countries across the world. In Birch we travelled to Italy and Holland in Ash. The children fully immersed themselves in the activities and even learnt some key phrases.
This week we had our Big Bang for our topic on Coasts, the children produced some beautiful beach huts. Cutting, painting, sticking and designing their creations themselves which took lots of concentration and persevering!
In English, the children finished their unit on 'The Jolly Witch' and even wrote their own twist to the story writing about a 'Jolly teacher' with a magic pen. It was so enjoyable to read the children's stories and a great indication of the work that is to come in English from Year 4. We have now moved onto a new unit based on explanation texts, we have been identifying the key features that need to be included in our 'Coastal formation' example. This links nicely with our creative curriculum topic Coasts and gives the children the chance to apply all their knowledge on depositional and erosion land form.
In Maths, we have moved onto addition and subtraction. We will be focusing on strategies to improve addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers and incorporate some problem solving too.
In Science, the children have been using excellent investigative skills to explore pitch and volume in our 'sound' unit. Last lesson we used data loggers to measure the sound produced by dropping marbles into different sized containers to investigate if it had an impact on volume. The children made very interesting predictions and interpreted their results well.
If you would like to support your child at home, it would be really helpful to continue with Times table rock stars and practise addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers.
I am sure they could also tell you all about coastal formation including stacks, arches and caves!
Thank you for your cooperation with the reading records, it is lovely to see so many of the children reading on a daily basis.
I am sure they could also tell you all about coastal formation including stacks, arches and caves!
Thank you for your cooperation with the reading records, it is lovely to see so many of the children reading on a daily basis.
Enjoy the weekend
Miss Coyne and Mrs Meredith