World book day:
A particular highlight and the children's costumes were absolutely amazing. The day was a great success!
Roman day:
A day enjoyed by all. The children were fully immersed into Roman times and got to experience a range of fun activities which we are sure you heard all about!
Our take one book choice this unit was 'Where the wild things are', a very popular choice with the children. This week they have had a go at creating their own wild things and using expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors to describe them.
Year 4 are getting stuck in to our new unit electricity, this week and next we will be looking at simple circuits and their components. Groups have been investigating different ways to make a circuit and if it is complete or not.
The children are also very much looking forward to science day on Monday (19th) where we will be completing experiments and activities all day based on our unit.
This week the children have been working so hard on their assessments and we are really pleased with the focus, resilience and effort that they have all shown. Well done!
Dates coming up:
Monday 26th March- trip to Verulamium museum
27th and 28th Parents evening
Thank you for you continued support and we hope you have a lovely weekend.
The year 4 team :)