Friday, 11 May 2018

Royal Wedding Celebrations

The wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle

On Friday 18th May we will be linking with the Infant school to celebrate the royal wedding.  We would like all the children to wear red, white and blue (a non-uniform day) in the spirit of the occasion! 
During the morning there will be a range of cross-curricular royal activities. There will also be a charity run –  to raise money for the NSPCC. Please don't forget to sponsor your children!
The infants will be collecting money to go towards funds being raised for Jossie’s life saving treatment. If you would like to contribute to that collection as well, do please send in some money and we will add it to the collection in the infants.
In the afternoon, weather permitting, there will be a 'street party' outside.
The children will need to bring in a small, disposable plate of food to eat at the street party (please note that we are unable to store in the fridge).  They will not need a lot of food as they will have had lunch an hour earlier.  As there are some children in school with a severe nut allergy, we politely remind you to ensure that your child's party food is nut-free.

We are looking forward to a great day with the infants. Fingers crossed for some more sunshine!


Over the past two weeks the children have been working incredibly hard on writing their own Greek myths. They have thoroughly enjoyed this and produced some fantastic pieces of work. They should all be very proud! Next week we will be moving on to a non-fiction unit - discussion texts.


We are coming to the end of our unit on properties of shapes, position and direction. This week the children have been plotting coordinates to create their own polygons and translating 2D shapes. Next week we will be focusing on addition and subtraction, revisiting mental and written strategies including estimating and using the inverse.


We have kicked off with our new topic this week- 'Living things and their habitats' It was very interesting before starting to hear the different questions the children have about the unit and what they would like to find out. We were finding different ways to group animals and the children came up with some fantastic criteria.

A request from the year 4 team-
As part of our creative curriculum topic we are planning a trip to Harpenden town on the 22nd of May. We will be conducting surveys, following a trail and answering questions and finally going to the town hall to meet the Mayor. We would really appreciate if there are any parent helpers available that day, if so please could you let us know at pick up/drop off or at the office.

Have a great weekend.

The Year 4 team  😊