Friday, 24 March 2017

This week in Year 4

In English this week, the children have been drafting, editing and publishing their non-chronological reports on Roman Towns. It was great to see so many children had further researched this at home and they were able to add their own details while writing. Hopefully we will have them up on display soon.

In Maths, Mrs Meredith and Miss Coyne's group have been revising mental addition and subtraction strategies and also using rounding techniques to make sensible estimations. Next week will include a linked investigation to round off the term. In Miss Eastlake's group children have been getting to grips with some aspects of measurement including finding perimeter, area and beginning a new unit on reading and telling time.

Science has seen us continuing our Brilliant Bubbles unit. We have been investigating the effects of adding glycerine to bubble mixture to see if we could improve the quality of our bubbles, in terms of thickness, shine and lasting ability. We also asked the question about whether a bubble is always a sphere. Click on this link for the answer. Bubbleologist

Finally, our topic lesson this week involved making Roman clay pots. Photos to follow soon.

How can you support at home

Can you help your child find out about how to use the possessive apostrophe?

Can you help you child learn their spellings this week. Look out for 'shun' words when reading. Is there a pattern?

Does your child know how to tell the time? The most effective way to learn is on a 1 to 1 with a watch/clock and lots of practice. Try putting 5 minute intervals past and to around a clock at home.


Parent consultations Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th

Verulamium trip  Thursday 30th (Please wear warm waterproof clothing suitable for some time outdoors, uniform on top half please, £3 max spending money for shop (optional) and lunch in disposable bag.)

Have a great weekend

Year 4 team

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