Friday, 19 May 2017

It’s nearly time for our last half term break of the year…

This week:

BREAKING NEWS… English we have been developing our journalism skills through writing a recount in the style of a news report. This has included recognising and using the 5W’s within an orientation paragraph together with writing in a passive rather than active voice.  On top of which, we have been doing our best to use sensational language too. Of course, our old favourites have continued to be included: fronted adverbials, topic sentences, proof-reading and editing skills.

Mrs Meredith’s maths group have been working on some enrichment investigations to do with different measures.

Miss Eastlake’s maths group have been revisiting written methods of subtraction and applying their knowledge and understanding to problem solving. This is a skill which will be the focus of our work after half term, together with revisiting multiplication and division strategies. So if anyone who is not yet confident with their times tables, half term is an ideal time to do some more practice…

Science in Year 4, we have just started our new unit; Electricity. Several children have already kindly demonstrated their knowledge by sharing some electrical circuits that they have built. We will continue to investigate electrical circuits further, exploring there components and materials that successfully conduct a current. We will also be considering the possible dangers involved with dealing with electricity regularly.

Our Harpenden topic is well underway and we are all enjoying learning more about the history and development of Harpenden and the local area. On Monday afternoon we are looking forward to furthering our investigations by asking the Mayor some specific questions. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to accompany us. If you could arrive by 1pm please.  

Next week is Multicultural and Eisteddfod week, so there will be some lesson disruption.  Year 4 will be focusing on two aspects of African art, one of which will involve creating a clay mask. It would be extremely helpful if you could make a cardboard support for this mask before Wednesday. It should be about half B5 size. We recommend corrugated cardboard, as wet clay is quite heavy, folded so that the two sides create a right angle and held in place by sticky tape, creating a shape that the clay can be draped over to dry. Here is a video clip that shows you in more detail:

How can you support at home?

Miss Eastlake’s Maths class would find additional practice of times tables and any opportunities for the children to develop their appreciation of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division helpful.

This week homework is over 2 weeks, in after half term, as we have asked the children to complete a walk through Harpenden High Street answering a set of questions as they go. We thought that they might like to get together with a friend (and an adult) to do this. However, it would also be a pleasant walk for the family.

There is also a town trail 2 that can be downloaded if you particularly enjoy completing the first!!

Thanks as ever for your support

The Year 4 Team


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