Sunday, 9 July 2017

Sporting Success for all!

A great day of sport was had by all the children at Crabtree on Friday, with everyone having their chance to race and enjoy different sports. We started the day with an inspiring speech from our Sport's leaders Greg and Gabriella, followed by the mini marathon around the circular track. The morning continued with plenty of mini tournaments: tri golf, lacrosse cricket and team tennis for the lower phase. The afternoon was of course our track and field events. A great afternoon! Well done to all the children for their effort when taking part.

In English, the children have been busy writing discussion texts. This next week we will be having a 'real life' debate as to whether we should build housing on the Green Belt land around Harpenden. Please ask your child to explain their own personal views.

In Maths, both classes have been consolidating the year's work.

In Science we went on a bug hunt, specifically for woodlouse. Please have a go on the link if you wish to design your own super bug.
Build a Bug

For homework this week, we have asked the children to design a 3D model of a building from the High Street. Everyone has been assigned a building. Please take care to think about your design carefully and have a look around your recycling for materials that would be good to use. (Printing off the shop logo is always effective). Building should be no wider than 18cm to allows us to fit them all in! We will be making our buildings in school this next week so please bring in what you can.

On Thursday this next week, children will have an opportunity to meet their new teachers for Year 5.
Ash class will be having Miss Reimann, who has been working in Year 5 this last term and Birch class will be having Mrs Welham and Miss Eastlake. In the evening we will be holding our annual open evening where children will have chance to take their parents around school to show them some of the work they have produced this year. On that note, if any of the children still have their Roman shields in tact from the Spring term, we would be  most grateful if you could bring them into school to display. Children will also have a chance to see what they can look forward to next year and beyond in the Year 5 & 6 classrooms.

We looking forward to seeing you then.

The Year 4 team.

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