In our Creative Curriculum lessons associated with our topic on 'Changing Coasts', the children have been enjoying learning all about some quite difficult concepts associated with the geographical features of the coastline and we have been impressed by the children's ability to get to grips with some of the higher level vocabulary; depositional landform, erosion landform, stacks, arches, stumps, groynes and gabions to name but a few.
This week we have been looking at human geography and our relationship with a sandy and a shingle beach and how these have developed as a result of human intervention. For homework the children have been asked to write a postcard highlighting the differences between what can take place on sandy beaches verses human activities on pebble or shingle beaches. We look forward to reading their responses.
Next week on Tuesday, we will be creating some collage paintings based on this design.
If you have any wallpapers or fabric that could be used to add bunting, we would be very grateful if you could send that in with your child.
In maths this week, the children have been practising their skills with addition and subtraction and testing out efficient methods for solving subtractions with multiple zeros. Can your child explain to you a more efficient method to solve this calculation; 7000 -3456 = or even 700 -345 =?
In English, we have completed our unit on explanation texts. The children have now edited and uplevelled their final draft. The children have become very knowledgeable in their understanding of the coastal erosion process of how caves, arches and stacks are created and this certainly shows in their writing.
In science, the children have been investiagting which material is most effective at muffling sound. Next week they will be thinking about how to change the pitch of a sound. We have linked this to work in our music lessons where we have been exploring different instruments and how sound is produced. We have even had chance to have a go at some beat boxing!
We hope the children are now feeling fully settled into life in Year 4 and we look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday 17th for our initial feedback at parent consultations.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
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