Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Year 4 are currently enjoying our Take one Book unit focussing on the story by Laurence Anholt   "Stone Girl, Bone Girl". This book tells the story of the life of Mary Anning who famously found some of the first prehistoric fossils. We hope to enjoy producing some varied writing as a result of reading this text. This will include play scripts, diary entries, explanation and persuasive writing.

In Math,s the children have just begun a unit on fractions. We have been exploring counting hundredths, mixed and improper fractions and will move on to calculating fractions of amounts. Some children will also be given opportunity to extend their reasoning skills with problems solving challenges. Please continue your regular practise of Times table Rock Stars. It is making a real difference to the children's ability to recall their multiplication facts.

In Science, the children have exploring the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Here are Birch class trying to see if air has weight.

 Birch class behaving like the molecules of solids, liquids and gases.

A separate email has been sent home with information about this week's homework.

Just a reminder that all children should have a warm coat in school as the weather has really turned very cold and the children are outside for long periods.

We hope that many of the children will be able to make the Christmas Fair this weekend. It sounds as though it will be an exciting event.

The Year 4 team

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