Tuesday 15 September 2015

Welcone to year 4

Welcome back and we hope you all had a fantastic summer. We hope everyone is rested and raring to go. This week in year 4 we have been busy in all curriculum areas. In English we have been looking at the text 'The lion, the witch and the wardrobe', which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. We having been focusing on 1st and 3rd person, descriptive openings and today we looked at direct speech. What a lot of coverage in a week!

In Maths we have been looking at number, pattern spotting, place value and ordering numbers. The children have  worked hard and we are pleased with the positive 'can do' attitudes we are seeing.
In Science we have started our new topic of Sound, which as you can imagine was loud and a roaring success. We started with a practical where the children made discoveries for themselves. We had sound tubes being waved catching air, test tubes with varying water levels being blown, dancing rice on taut drum skins and different sized boom whackers being tested! That was only one lesson!

Ash are thrilled to be back in the classroom and are thoroughly enjoying their new found space. The aroma no longer lingers past nine o'clock so the teachers are also pleased to be back in there!

Our creative curriculum this term is Coasts in the UK and around the world. We will be discovering why certain coasts have created physical features like caves, arches and stacks. If you have any holiday snaps or postcards that you feel will enhance the children's learning please do send them in named.
On a similar note we would be most appreciative if you could save the small cereal packets (variety size) and the inner cardboard tube of a kitchen towel. We are going to do create light houses and beach huts. (Blue Peter style).

In addition to lots of great activities in the classroom, the children have also enjoyed two great PE lessons outside in sunshine. The lessons focused on fitness and agility.

Sorry if we missed anyone at Wednesdays' meet the teacher meeting. Today we sent home the writing, reading and maths objectives that were given out. If by any chance you did not receive them, please pop into school if you would like them.

Homework this week has been set and sent home. The children have been asked to find nouns and adjectives around the home and garden. e.g. antique table, squeaky door and rusty nail. They have also been asked to practise their 6 times table if they feel happy with 2,3,4 and 5's. Some children may prefer to practise another table but we will test them on the table they have chosen to practise. We did not set spellings this week but we will be setting spellings next week. All homework will be set on a Thursday and we hope to see it returned by Tuesday. 

Lastly, we would like to reiterate that we are really looking forward to working with your children and to say that we have an open door policy (preferably after school) for any questions you may have and want to talk through.

Have an enjoyable weekend

The year 4 team

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